Show HN: Flookup – Data cleaning by fuzzy matching

Show HN: Flookup – Data cleaning by fuzzy matching Hello HN! It has been about three years since I launched this current iteration of my Google Sheets add-on called Flookup. I'm a solo developer and, currently, I handle absolutely everything to do with Flookup from writing code, designing the user interface, replying support emails and even marketing. It is quite a lot of work but very satisfying when I see how helpful it has been to my userbase. Before Flookup, there was only one prominent Google Sheets add-on that could be used for data cleaning (to a certain degree) but, luckily for men, it had left a gap in its functionality that I was very glad to fill. To develop Flookup, I had to write a new algorithm from the ground up in order to make it more useful to my userbase. Originally, this userbase comprised me and a small team at an organisation I was working for but, today, that number has grown to at least 10,000 Daily Active Users all over the world (except Antarctica). What is Flookup? It is an add-on that uses fuzzy matching algorithms to power its data cleaning functions. Flookup's functions allow you to match or merge tables without worrying about how uniform your data is. You can also highlight and remove duplicates even if the text contains typos, punctuations marks or spelling differences. So, today, I'm inviting you to try it out and let me know what you think... here is the link: > Your free trial is free and unlimited. Thank you; I hope you like it! June 29, 2022 at 01:37AM
Show HN: Flookup – Data cleaning by fuzzy matching Show HN: Flookup – Data cleaning by fuzzy matching Reviewed by Divyansh Saxena on June 29, 2022 Rating: 5

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